At 5pm on 16th July, the St Magnus Way Calor Rural Community Fund crowdfunding campaign ended with a total of £2,274 raised. The campaign was launched to create a virtual experience for would-be pilgrims who cannot walk the Way in person and fund structural improvements to the path. This funding will enable us to incorporate drone footage and 360-degree photography into our app and website, alongside moving fences and adding new gates.

The St Magnus Way finished in eighth place in the £2,500 category, based on community support. People who visited our campaign page and clicked “Like” or hit any of the share buttons added one point to our total. Those who “pledged” i.e. donated any amount to the project granted us 10 points. We achieved 1,381 points in total comprised of 126 pledges, 92 likes and 29 shares.

Since the campaign started, we have been taken aback by the positive comments on our project page. As well as an outpouring of local pride in the St Magnus Way, there have been some wonderful messages from further afield from former residents and folk reminiscing about past experiences on the route. A lot of people expressed their safety concerns too, which we will be pleased to be able to rectify in due course, using some of the funds raised. Much of the support we received was generated by the spectacular sample drone footage provided by Colin Keldie, which brought the beauty and drama of the walk to small screens across the county and beyond.

The St Magnus Way is entered into the £2,500 funding category and is competing for one of six awards of that amount. All finalists will receive £500 from the Calor Rural Community Fund towards their project, and the shortlist of finalists will be announced on 4th August.

After the finalists are announced, the judging begins, and the winners will be chosen based on the following criteria:

Calor Rural Community Fund award criteria

40%Impact on the local community
35%Project sustainability - how long will it last?
15%Submission - how effectively is the project communicated?

The winners will be announced on 19th August.

Published on July 17th 2020

This project is being part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Orkney LEADER 2014 – 2020 Programme