We are being encouraged to get daily exercise during the social distancing phase of the UK government's response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and some folk, quite understandably, might be thinking of walking sections of the St Magnus Way. We are, however, aware that where there are farm gates, which farmers may be using daily, we do not want walkers to contaminate them unnecessarily. With this in mind we advise the following:

If you are thinking of travelling to Orkney to walk the St Magnus Way, please do not do so while the present crisis persists. You probably won’t be able to get here anyway! We will be very happy to welcome you when life returns to the new normal and you can use our website in the meantime to plan your pilgrimage for when restrictions are lifted. Now, your absence is in the best interests of all.

Please avoid walking in sections where there are farm gates or stiles. The map below gives some guidance but use your common sense and if you know there are gates in other sections please stay away from these at present.

Be responsible and walk by yourself or only with those living in the same household, keeping at least 2 meters apart from people who are not members of your household.

As per new government guidelines please do not use transport to get to the start of your walk. Use the time to rediscover your local area and reflect on the history available to you on your doorstep.

Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home.

On behalf of all at the St Magnus Way, we wish you good health. Keep well and keep others well.

While this guidance is given today the situation is changing daily so follow the latest official advice.

Sections to be avoided at present:

  1. Costa Hill to Ramly Geo
  2. Field to the North West of the car park at Northside, Birsay
  3. Boardhouse Mill to Misery Mount Beach
  4. Refuge Corner to Finstown path
  5. Hill of Lyradale
  6. Path from the road to Waulkmill Bay
  7. Path from the shore to Greenigoe

Published on March 27th 2020

This project is being part financed by the Scottish Government and the European Community Orkney LEADER 2014 – 2020 Programme